Thursday 26 November 2015


                                                     CYBER CRIME

The term cyber crime refers to criminal activities and all forms of digital harrassment including computers, networks, or theInternet.
Common examples of cyber crime are:
  • Identity theft
  • Phishing
  • Hacking
  • Any sort of scam or hoax that leads to criminal acts being performed
  • Spyware
To keep yourself protected from cyber crime, it's important to protect your computer while on the Web, and to use common sense. The following resources can help:
  • Common Sense Web Safety: A lot of the traps that people get caught in online could be avoided with some common sense Web safety.
  • Protect Yourself from Spyware: One of the easiest ways for you to get tracked online is through malicious software applications (malware) that watch what your computer is doing.

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  • Conceal Your Search Habits: Don't want anyone seeing what you're searching for? Search engines (and other people that use your computer) can and do keep records of searches - here's a few ways you can keep your searching history private.
  • Anonymous Surfing: Learn about anonymous surfing, what anonymous surfing is, why you might be interested in surfing anonymously, how much information is easily learned about you via your Web surfing habits, anonymous proxies and services, and more.
  • Upgrade Your Facebook Privacy Settings: Facebook, the world's most popular social networking site, has made a lot of changes to its privacy policy, and most of them are not beneficial to the average user. They're complicated, difficult to understand and even harder to change, and can potentially compromise your safety online. Learn how to change your Facebook privacy settings quickly, easily, and safely.

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